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How Many People Own Ethereum?


December 27, 2023
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How Many People Own Ethereum?

Ethereum has emerged as a prominent player, captivating the interest of investors and enthusiasts alike. Curiosity about its ownership is natural, considering its role in decentralized finance and smart contracts. In this blog post, we delve into the intriguing question: How many people own Ethereum?

In 2022, Ethereum dominated over 50% of the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market, showcasing its significant presence in the decentralized financial space. Exploring the decentralized nature of this blockchain platform, we analyze ownership patterns and the aspects of Ethereum’s widespread adoption. So let’s get started.


Research-Driven Facts About How Many People Own Ethereum

Determining the exact number of Ethereum owners is challenging due to the decentralized and always-changing nature of the cryptocurrency. Ethereum’s ownership is distributed across a diverse user base, ranging from individual investors to institutions.

Blockchain explorers like Etherscan provide insights into the number of addresses, but these don’t necessarily equate to unique individuals, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact count of Ethereum owners. However, we can use two reliable methods to estimate the Ethereum user base.


Method 1: Research Studies

Estimating the exact number of individuals who own Ethereum involves diverse methods. One approach is through research studies that analyze blockchain data, attempting to identify unique users and their holdings. Such studies provide valuable insights into the distribution and demographics of Ethereum ownership.

This cryptocurrency was established in 2013 and officially launched in Switzerland in 2015 by eight individuals. Statista data shows more than 122 million circulating Ethereum tokens, which is over 10 times the number of Bitcoin tokens.

YCharts’ latest data, as of December 21, 2023, reveals a substantial 253 million distinct Ethereum wallets worldwide. This surge in wallet numbers underscores Ethereum’s extensive user base, emphasizing its global prevalence and the increasing number of individuals engaging with the Ethereum network for various decentralized applications, smart contracts, and digital assets. Approximately 253 million distinct Ethereum wallets globally, highlighting ETH’s widespread adoption and usage worldwide.


Method 2: Ethereum Addresses Activity

Another method involves examining wallet addresses on the Ethereum blockchain. By tracking distinct wallet addresses and their transaction patterns, analysts can gain an understanding of individual ownership.

Combining these methods offers a comprehensive perspective on the Ethereum user base, shedding light on the cryptocurrency’s widespread adoption and diverse community of holders.

According to Glassnode, in 2022, the total number of active Ethereum wallets reached a record peak. Though details on average wallet sizes are scarce, the report discloses approximately 3.9 million active wallets, each holding at least 0.1 ETH, equivalent to approximately $312 in fiat currency.

The number of Ethereum investors has surged by 10% since 2021. Furthermore, Ethereum has experienced a remarkable 50% surge in popularity since 2020, accompanied by a staggering 1000% increase in its price during this period.

The website additionally discovered that in 2021, the Ethereum network boasted a staggering 71 million addresses. By December of that year, Glassnode Alerts took to Twitter, unveiling a noteworthy milestone: the count of Ethereum addresses with a confirmed balance had surged to a record-breaking high.

With over 71.3 million active addresses, the Ethereum market thrived with a diverse community of investors. Tracking data indicated a consistent upward trajectory in the number of Ethereum holders, showcasing the sustained growth of the network’s user base over the years.

In fact, Etherscan currently displays 253 million Ethereum addresses in this regard, underscoring the cryptocurrency’s widespread popularity. Notably, on Thursday, January 4, 2018, Ethereum experienced a surge, witnessing the addition of 355,726 new addresses in just one day.

This remarkable increase reflects Ethereum’s dynamic growth and adoption within the crypto community. Etherscan is a valuable tool, providing real-time insights into the expanding Ethereum ecosystem and its increasing user base.


Bitinforcharts reports a significant milestone in Ethereum’s ecosystem, revealing the existence of over 1.5 million active addresses. This data underscores the expansive user base and growing engagement within the Ethereum network. These active addresses signify a vibrant community involved in various transactions, from trading to decentralized applications.

The substantial number not only reflects Ethereum’s widespread adoption but also serves as a testament to its utility and relevance in the blockchain space. This metric is a key indicator of Ethereum’s dynamic ecosystem and continued user participation.


Who Owns the Most Ethereum?

As per Etherscan, a platform that tracks Ethereum data, the leading owner of Ethereum in 2023 is a deposit contract for staking on the Beacon Chain. Etherscan reveals that the Beacon Deposit Contract, identified by the wallet address 0x00000000219ab540356cBB839Cbe05303d7705Fa, possesses more than a quarter of the total circulating ETH supply—equivalent to 30 million coins, valued at $50 billion in September 2023.

As per data from Etherscan, the top 10 Ethereum (ETH) holders have ties to various cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, Kraken, and Gemini. These wallets, often belonging to ETH millionaires, hold substantial amounts of ETH. For instance, let’s explore wallet addresses that hold a large amount of ETH:

  1. Wallet: 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 holds over 3 million ETH, approximately 2.5% of circulating coins.
  2. Wallet: 0xBE0eB53F46cd790Cd13851d5EFf43D12404d33E8, tied to Binance 7, holds $3bn ETH (1.6% of circulation).
  3. Wallet: 0xDA9dfA130Df4dE4673b89022EE50ff26f6EA73Cf, linked to Kraken 13, holds $2bn ETH (1.3% of circulation).
  4. Wallet: 0x40B38765696e3d5d8d9d834D8AaD4bB6e418E489, robin hood-affiliated, holds $2bn ETH (1.4% of circulation).
  5. Wallet: 0x8315177aB297bA92A06054cE80a67Ed4DBd7ed3a,arbitrum bridge-related, holds $1.9bn ETH (1% of circulation).
  6. Wallet: 0xF977814e90dA44bFA03b6295A0616a897441aceC, associated with Binance 8, brags 936,301 ETH, equating to 0.7% of the circulating supply, valued at $1.5 billion.
  7. Wallet: 0x47ac0Fb4F2D84898e4D9E7b4DaB3C24507a6D503, linked to Binance-Peg Tokens, holds 584,999 ETH, comprising 0.48% valued at $967 million.
  8. Wallet: 0xE92d1A43df510F82C66382592a047d288f85226f on Bitfinex 19 with 450,118 ETH, or 0.37% at $744 million.
  9. Wallet: 0x61EDCDf5bb737ADffE5043706e7C5bb1f1a56eEAA wallet affiliated with Bitfinex MultiSig 3, secures 428,053 ETH, accounting for 0.35% valued at $708 million.


These substantial holdings underscore Ethereum’s ties to the NFT realm, attracting celebrities to the ETH Whale Hall of Fame. Notably, Ethereum’s connection to NFTs attracts celebrities to its Whale Hall of Fame.

DappRadar data highlights the top ETH holders, aligning with those accumulating rare NFTs. Notable personalities include Snoop Dogg, Zach Hyman, Mark Cuban, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Marshmallo.


Our Key Findings About Ethereum Usage

Stats Findings Our Sources
Ethereum Wallets 253 Million
No. Ethereum Active Addresses Around 1.5 Million Ethereum Active Addresses Chart (
Ethereum Transactions in the Prior 24 Hours 1,203,007 Ethereum Transactions Chart (
Present Trading Value $2314


The Future of Ethereum

Let’s explore the everyday utilization of Ethereum to understand its popularity. This would help us gauge a fair idea about its future use. A valuable measure to start with is the number of Ethereum transactions.

As mentioned earlier, BitInfoCharts recorded 1,203,007 Ethereum transactions in the last 24 hours. This could imply a rising pattern of people using Ethereum for their daily transactions. Moreover, it might indicate an increasing number of participants entering the market, even if their investment amounts are relatively smaller.

Ethereum, poised for a promising future, currently shows off 1.5 million active accounts, reflecting its growing influence in the digital world. With a powerful foundation and widespread adoption, Ethereum stands as a key player in the blockchain ecosystem.

The substantial user base signals not only current strength but also the potential for further expansion and innovation. As the blockchain space continues to evolve, according to Bitinfocharts, Ethereum’s 1.5 million active accounts position it as a leading force, shaping the future of decentralized technologies.

We can easily say that The future of Ethereum appears promising, with its current trading value reaching $2314. This upward revolution signifies growing confidence in the cryptocurrency market. Investors and enthusiasts alike are closely monitoring Ethereum’s performance as it continues to establish itself as a star player.

According to Coinmarketcap, the $2314 valuation today underscores its significance and potential for further growth. As Ethereum evolves, its impact on the digital currency becomes increasingly evident, attracting attention and investment from various quarters.


In a Nutshell

The ownership of Ethereum has witnessed remarkable growth, with a diverse community of investors contributing to its widespread adoption. Numerous studies attempt to gauge the extent of its user base.

As blockchain technology evolves, Ethereum’s future appears promising, attracting developers and investors. The increasing number of active wallets reflects growing engagement, showcasing Ethereum’s significance in crypto. The ecosystem continues to mature; a diverse and expanding ownership base underscores Ethereum’s enduring relevance and potential.



Is the use of Ethereum considered legal?

Ethereum’s legality is determined by jurisdiction. In many countries, Ethereum is legally used for various purposes, including decentralized applications and smart contracts. However, regulatory frameworks vary globally, and individuals should be aware of their local laws regarding cryptocurrency to ensure compliance.


Who is the originator of Ethereum?

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, conceived Ethereum. Born out of his vision for a decentralized platform with smart contract functionality, Ethereum was officially proposed in late 2013, and its development began in early 2014. Vitalik Buterin’s innovative approach has left an enduring mark on cryptocurrency.


How transparent is Ethereum ownership distribution?

Ethereum’s ownership distribution is relatively transparent due to its blockchain’s public ledger. Anyone can explore wallet addresses and their corresponding holdings. While some entities may use multiple addresses, the blockchain’s openness allows for a broad understanding of the distribution, fostering transparency in tracking Ethereum ownership patterns.


What is the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin?

Ethereum and Bitcoin are distinct cryptocurrencies with unique purposes. Bitcoin primarily serves as a decentralized digital currency, emphasizing secure and transparent transactions.

On the other hand, Ethereum is a decentralized platform enabling the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps), broadening its utility beyond a mere currency. Ethereum’s programmable functionality sets it apart as a versatile blockchain platform.


Are there tools or websites to track Ethereum ownership trends?

Certainly, several tools and websites enable users to monitor Ethereum ownership trends. Platforms like Etherscan, Ethplorer, and Dune Analytics offer insights into wallet holdings, transaction history, and overall network statistics. These resources empower users to stay informed about the distribution and movements of Ethereum across the blockchain.


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